Heaven is the myth, Nepal is real!!


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Nepal At A Glance

Nepal at Glance, sharpen your I.Q! Know about the basics of Nepal!

Area of Nepal

Nepal covers an area of 147,181 sq.km around the globe among which 143,151 sq.km is land and 4000 sq. km is water.

Flag Of Nepal

Capital city

The renowned – Kathmandu city.

Population of Nepal

As per census survey of UN conducted in 2010, the population of Nepal is 27.8 million.

Life Expectancy

68 years for men and 70 years for women

Geographical Location


Nepal is a landlocked country therefore there is no any direct access to Nepal through water route. It lies in between two powerful nations India and China. China lies to north while India lies to east, west and south of Nepal. Nepal shares an open border with India. Nepal’s geography varies as we move from flat plains in Terai to lush hills to towering mountains in the mountainous region. Amongst ten highest peaks in the world, Nepal owns eight!


Nepal is a multicultural and multilingual nation. However, the national language of the country is Nepali. But as you travel to the different regions of Nepal, you will find variety in language, culture and lifestyle of people.


The climate of Nepal can be classified into four different types: